ACO and Shelter Staff Training

Dvd Case

The Animal Control Advisory Board is charged with reviewing disbursements from the animal control and care fund and creating training programs in the counties of the Commonwealth under KRS 258.117.


The Animal Control Advisory Board is pleased to announce the creation of a video training library available to your county at zero cost. The DVD contains 7 training subjects for the animal control officers in your county, as well as printable workbooks for your personnel to track their training progress. The subjects covered include:

- Kennel Maintenance
- Bathing and Grooming
- Animal Handling
- Flea & Tick Control
- Basic Animal Care
- The Hospitalized Patient
- Dog Bite Prevention


This series contains 4 DVDs in 1 case. The DVD library is located within the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. The use of the program is free, so long as your animal control personnel return the material no longer than 30 days after check-out. To checkout the material, simply make a request, in writing, on your county government letterhead. The case containing the DVDs will be sent via certified mail. The series cost is Four Hundred Dollars ($400) per case. Due to the cost of the materials, and damage or loss will be the responsibility of the requesting county., , thus the case should be returned via certified mail with the contents insured for at least the replacement cost, should damage occur during shipping. Please indicate in your request all contact information for your animal control officers.


The Animal Control Advisory Board thanks you for your participation in this program. Animal control officer training is important given the nature of their work, particularly the animal handling and bite prevention. We look forward to receiving your request.